Please note: applications currently take one to two business days to process once submitted.
REALTOR Applications
Reactivating Membership
Inactive 365 days or less
If you are a reactivating real estate licensee who has been inactive with CCAR for 365 days or less.
Click Here
Transferring Membership
If you are transferring to CCAR from another board, this is the application for you!
Click Here
Returning Membership
Inactive for over 365 days
If you are a reactivating real estate licensee who has been inactive with CCAR for 365 days or less.
Click Here
Additional Applications
If you are a business manager or owner associated with the real estate industry and would like to be a partner with CCAR.
Click Here
Life Service
For criteria and eligibility
Click Here
Medical Waiver
For criteria and eligibility
Click Here
Military Waiver
For criteria and eligibility
Click Here