June 2024 Advocacy Update
2024 NAR REALTORS® Legislative Meeting: CCAR Members Lobby Congress on Behalf of the Real Estate Industry

On Tuesday May 7th several CCAR members met with Congresswoman Marie Gluesenkamp Perez to represent the industry and lobby for change that will facilitate homeownership while supporting NAR’s 1.5 million members across the country! Members spoke in favor of tax reform, VA loan reform to come in-line with NAR’s settlement , and with a nationwide deficit of 5.5 million units, offered solutions to increase housing supply. The 2024 REALTOR Legislative Meetings made it clear that NAR has significant influence in D.C. and continues to advocate for homeownership and property rights on behalf of its 1.5 million members!
NAR 2024 REALTORS® Legislative Meetings Kick-Start Event with Bipartisan Leaders
WASHINGTON (May 6, 2024) — Former members of Congress Joe Cunningham and Trey Gowdy joined the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) for a bipartisan look at the political landscape during the Federal Legislative and Political Forum to kick off the 2024 Realtors® Legislative Meetings in Washington, D.C.
Cunningham, celebrated for his bipartisan approach to legislating and his role as national director for No Labels, put the housing inventory crisis into perspective by sharing the hardships younger generations are facing when trying to break into the market. “There’s so much frustration among younger people that they cannot achieve the American Dream,” he said.
Both panelists agreed that the stakes are higher for veterans due to their unique circumstances and that education and advocacy are crucial to addressing the unintended consequences of these regulations. Gowdy stated, “I can’t imagine sending anyone, including veterans, into the incredibly complicated process of buying a home without an advocate.”
Referring to his own experiences buying and selling real estate, Gowdy continued, “I couldn’t have done any of it without the help of a REALTOR®.”
Veterans Affairs Signals Temporary Suspension of Buyer Agent Payment Ban
The Department of Veterans Affairs plans to temporarily lift its ban on buyers directly paying for professional real estate representation until the agency deems it necessary to engage in a formal rulemaking process, a VA official said Tuesday at a Mortgage Bankers Association conference in New York.
“NAR launched an all-hands advocacy effort on this issue, meeting with VA officials, engaging with lawmakers and rallying our industry partners to ensure this prohibition was lifted,” says Shannon McGahn, chief advocacy officer at the National Association of REALTORS®. “This is also a testament to the thousands of REALTORS® who came to Washington just a few weeks ago with a unified message.”
Survey: 36% See Real Estate as Top Long-Term Investment
Americans consider real estate to be the best long-term investment, according to a Gallup survey in which 36% of respondents named it the best place to invest their money. Stocks took second place, cited by 22% of respondents, and 18% said gold is their top choice.
2024 Clark County Elections Preview
Given that candidate filing week has passed in Washington State , CCAR would like to share with you the different races that the association will participate in. In the coming months CCAR will endorse candidates who support our members and the American Dream of homeownership. Please reach out to Justin Wood with any questions.