
September Membership Meeting Recap

September Membership Meeting Recap: Building a More Inclusive Experience with Gonzalo Mejia Did you miss Wednesday’s Membership Meeting with guest keynote speaker Gonzalo Mejia? Watch a full recap of Gonzalo’s

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Loss of a beloved leader announced

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our beloved Janice Hall-Matteo. Like all of you, we are heartbroken and devastated by our loss. – Janice

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February Local Issues Update

Clark County Comprehensive Plan Update Clark County is going through the process of updating its comprehensive plan in accordance with the Growth Management Act (GMA). The plan is due to

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CCAR Supports Vancouver Proposition 3

On behalf of over 2,000 local real estate professionals, the Clark County Association of REALTORS® supports the renewal of Vancouver’s affordable housing levy outlined in Proposition 3, which will be

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