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Get ready to step back in time and celebrate our fantastic peers in style at our upcoming 80’s themed event! Join us for a night of neon, leg warmers, and timeless hits, as we honor the outstanding individuals who make our community special. It’s not just a party; it’s a chance to reminisce and create memories. Dress up, dance, and share laughs as we pay tribute to those who deserve recognition. Don’t miss out on this rad evening of fun, camaraderie, and nostalgia. Secure your spot now for an unforgettable journey to the ’80s!

Coq Au Vin with chicken and ham or Vegetarian/Vegan Dinner Options Available. Both Meals are Gluten Free.

Individual Tickets $55

Table Tickets (Seats 8) $550, Includes Company Logo

Register through your CCAR Login: https://mdweb.mmsi2.com/clark/