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2024 Real Estate Market Forecast
Will the economy dip into recession in 2024 or soft land?
Will generative AI turn into an income boosting benefit that helps economic growth?
How will the changing roles of homes, offices and retail establishments impact the real estate market?
Will mortgage rates come down?
Join us for this live 1-hour webinar and Q&A.
Wednesday, November 8th
11:00am-12:00pm | $5
This event is not eligible for CE hours.
Mark Fleming, Chief Economist
Odeta Kushi, Deputy Chief Economist
Mark and Odeta lead an economic team responsible for analysis, commentary, and forecasting trends in the real estate and mortgage markets.
Contact connect@firstam.com for more information.
Click here to register: https://firstamedu.com/user/class/details/7587668b-ce06-4650-aad6-4c16818901a0