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REALTORS® are facing a long list of tax changes for the 2023 filing year. New and complex rules, annual inflation adjustments, and tedious documentation can impact any taxpayer without a plan or expert guidance. Hear from a real estate tax strategist and get the tips needed to save time and money while reducing your stress this tax season.
Register NOW to attend NAR’s Center for Financial Wellness Tax Summit recorded four-part series event.
$50 for NAR members and $60 for non-members. All the sessions will be recorded and available for review for up to one year!
Registration Link Below.
Webinar 4: Tax Advantages for Agents Investing in Real Estate
Wednesday, February 28: 10:00 a.m. PST | 11:00 a.m. MST | 12:00 p.m. CST | 1:00 p.m. EST
Have you ever thought of investing in what you know best, real estate? Did you know that there are significant tax advantages reserved just for real estate professionals? Join this session to learn about these tax advantages and how they were amplified by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA). Now is the best time to take full advantage of the TCJA as certain benefits will be diminishing each year, for the next few years.
· Attendees will learn the IRS’s definition of a Real Estate Professional.
· Attendees will learn the significant tax advantages only available to Real Estate Professionals investing in real estate.
· Attendees will learn how expiring tax provisions make this year the best year to invest in real estate from a tax savings perspective.
Gregory Antipoff, CPA, Real Estate Tax Strategist
Greg Antipoff is a certified public accountant (CPA) and a real estate tax strategist. He is affectionately known as The Real Estate Accountant, dedicated to helping real estate agents keep more of what they earn. Greg achieves this by walking agents through his signature “Financial EKG: Earn, Keep, Grow” framework. With so much emphasis already being placed on how agents can “Earn” more, he chooses to focus on helping agents “Keep” and “Grow” what they earn. Greg’s knack for making tax and accounting topics easy to understand and humorous leaves agents educated, entertained and ready to take action.